Back again along Dokter99 Info, this time I will share a tutorial that is how to treat swollen gums, before we know how to treat swollen gums so we search just yet what causes swollen gums, to find out the cause of swollen gums just the info as follows:

Causes Of Swollen Gums

Generally the cause of swollen gums as one of gum disorders is because dental plaque on the pile. A very sticky plaques that are generally formed when the process of eating and drinking. The plaque also contains many bacteria are most whom can interfere with the health of your gums. In addition, some condition where symptoms can be swollen gums, gingivitis, fungal or viral infection, pregnancy, malnutrition, or skorbut. Skorbut is a body condition that a deficiency of vitamin c. swollen gums may also be caused by the installation of dentures or other dental equipment, the sensitivity of the gums due to the use of a certain toothpaste or liquid gargle, or it could be due to the effects of drug-drug dilantin, fenobarbital, or calcium channel inhibitor drugs. So how do I fix,,, swollen gums?


How To Fix Swollen Gums

How to overcome the BengkakGangguan light, such as the Gums swollen gums, can generally be handled by giving more attention to oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice each day and complete clean by using a thread gigiUntuk help solve gums swollen, sufferers are advised to increase the consumption of vegetables and fruit, as well as avoiding smoking, alcoholic beverages, and foods containing high glucose. In addition, for certain cases can do root planning for membersihkanGangguan the gums that are already classified as severe, the possibility of the need for further handling. For example, the condition is Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis (ANUG) acute ulcerative gingivitis or the ternekrotisasi, need to get treatment, including pain relief medication, antibiotics and a special mouthwash contains klorheksidin, or hydrogen peroxide. When swollen gums or gum disorders other lasted more than two weeks, immediately encountered a dentist. Swollen gums caused by sensitive teeth toothpaste, can be overcome by replacing the product. If swollen gums caused by mouthwash product, immediately discontinue its use. Whereas, if it is a reaction from medication that you consume, then consult your doctor about the possibility of replacing the drug with another. The termination or replacement medications should always be in the supervision of a doctor. The handling of other dentists to resolve swollen gums due to plaques cleansing procedure through scalling. Then how do I treat it,,,?

How To Treat Swollen Gums

There are several ways to treat swollen gums, namely as follows:
With Betel Leaves. The way is take the 10 strands of betel leaves and combine the turmeric and salt to taste. Enter the material in a third 500cc water and allow to boil. After that, strain the water and use the cider to gargle or can also be drunk.
Black Pepper And Clove Oil. Both of these ingredients is the traditional material which is believed to address swelling of the gums. The way is simply applying clove oil with a bit of black pepper on the gums swollen area. This powerful tool to relieve pain ditimbulkanya.
Gargle Salt Water. How to troubleshoot first is swollen gums with salt water, which is great for relieving swelling gums because in it there is an antiseptic substances in the fight against germs cause. You can gargle with salt water 2-3 times a day followed gargle water clean. Do it regularly.
Brush Your Teeth Regularly. The sixth is to brush your teeth regularly. It is very important for maintaining your dental health and hygiene. Don't immediately when you're recovering from swelling of the gums, then you are getting rarer for brushing your teeth. Good 2-3 times you do brush your teeth every day or after consuming food.
Massage The Gums. How to treat swollen gums in next is a massage the gums. Indeed it is rarely done by most people, but this is a nice tip to reduce the pain. The way is to use your index finger to massage the gums are swollen with melingkat movements. Make sure in advance that the hand you've been clean so as not to trigger the presence of other bacteria in your mouth.
Hydrogen Peroxide/Baking Soda. You can also gargle for using Baking Soda. Mouthwash is capable to reduce the pain of gums and prevents the spread of bacteria causes swelling of the gums.

So this time Article from infodokter99 that deals with how to treat swollen gums, sorry if there is a word in the writing of the same word with another blog, because the explanation of this article also I got from the blog

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  1. The most effective cure for gingivitis


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