Back again along dokter99 info, this time I will memabahas on how to prevent AIDS or HIV disease, if the disease is PAL taukah a very dangerous disease in the world, so let's follow up firmly to stop the Association we can cause the disease of aids/hiv.

The history of Aids or Hiv Disease

The incident began in the summer in the United States in 1981, when it for the first time by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the discovery of an event that can not be explained earlier which found the disease Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia (a lung infection which shut off) being about 5 people homosexual in Los Angeles, then continue ditemukannnya ' disease ' Kaposi's Sarcoma that invaded a number of 26 homosexsual people in New York and Los Angeles. A few months later the disease found in injection drug users, it also immediately overwrite blood transfusion recipients.

Then Where the HIV virus first appeared in humans?

Because HIV evolves from one type of SIV found in type of chimpanzees in West Africa, many people assume that HIV first appeared in humans there. Then considered that HIV spread from Africa to the rest of the world.

We may never know for sure when and where the HIV virus first appeared, but it is clear that at some time in the mid-20s is, HIV infection in humans is evolving into a worldwide disease epidemic that is currently better known as AIDS.

What is the disease of aids or hiv is,, the following brief explanation of 99 doctor info

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This virus attacks the immune system and weakens the body's ability to fight infection and disease.

The Spread Of HIV
HIV is a fragile virus types. Could not survive long outside the human body. HIV can be found in body fluids of an infected person. A liquid is a fluid is sperm, vaginal fluid, the liquid is the anus, blood and breast milk. HIV cannot spread through sweat or urine.

And then how to Protect ourselves from an AIDS or HIV disease kenak, here's how the following

It is very rare for HIV to be transmitted in household settings. In the case of a very few, HIV has been transmitted when there is contact between the protective blood without the infected and damaged skin or mucous membranes.

To prevent even such rare occurrences, you must take the following precautions when caring for someone living with HIV:

  • Wear gloves if you will have contact with the
  • blood or other body fluids that might contain visible blood,
  • such as urine, stool, or vomit.
  • cover cuts, wounds, or break in the skin with
  • the bandage. This applies to you and people living with HIV/AIDS.
  • Wash your hands and other parts of your body immediately
  • After contact with blood or other body fluids. Surface disinfection
  • the dirty with blood.
  • Avoid practices that increase the likelihood of blood contact, such as sharing razors and toothbrushes
  • Use needles and other sharp instruments only when medically necessary and handle them in accordance with the recommendations for health care settings. (Do not put the CAP back on the needles by hand or remove needles from syringes. Dispose of needles in puncture-proof containers out of reach of children and visitors. )

So Advice info dokter99 for you, keep one yourself from diseases hiv/aids and the hidari intercourse can cause diseases such as hiv/aids sek free would be very easy for the occurrence of the disease of aids/hiv. all this info dokter99 this time I apologize if there are flaws in the writing of this article, thank you

"PREVENT the DISEASE AIDS".. "Aids or Hiv Disease History:.. "where the HIV virus first appeared".. "in which the HIV virus first appeared in humans".. "what is the disease of aids or hiv".. "the spread of HIV".. "hiv to aids, hiv or aids".."what is aids".. "what is hiv".. "hiv test".. "hiv treatment".. "hiv virus".. "hiv positive".. "hiv transmission".. "living with hiv".. "hiv infection".."early signs of hiv".. "aids and hiv".. "how is hiv transmitted".. "treatment for hiv".. "aids day".. "can hiv be cured".. "history of aids".. "aids statistics".. "facts about hiv".. "hiv to aids".. "hiv or aids".. "aids research".. "aids info".. "hiv test results"..


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